Friday, February 13, 2015

Addicted to love.....

Felting my heart out!

All week long I've been felting hearts and thinking about love. Yes, L O V E! How to get it, how to jump start it and how to express it.

And it's no wonder, since there have been a bajillian reminders about the big "V" Day every where I turn or click; TV talk shows, my Inbox, store windows, flyers posted about town and even at the movies (50 Shades of Grey opening), and especially on my dining room table! Which has been smothered in wool, waiting it's turn to be sculpted into the shape of love!


 The messages have been promises for: a 'Perfect night for you and your sweetheart'.

Reminders: 'It's February; Time for a relationship review!'

Workshops on: Invoking Romantic Mysteries.

 Body Massages to: 'Open your heart to a deeper connection this Valentine's Day.'

Even suggestions from EFT experts; 'Tap' your way into your heart!

F u n n y!

I am sure any one of these offerings would be beneficial for us! I have to say, it did get me thinking about the love I have in my life. And it all starts with me. My own self love and the love I feel for others.  And what I know for sure; This Love I have, has to be consciously fueled. It's like daily devotions or prayers. Love has to be an intention that is practiced and expressed frequently.

So, I don't want to wait for one month per year to focus on it.  Although, I was a little obsessed about crafting my many hearts this week!  I do love a deadline.

I'll take this opportunity to give a piece of my heart to those I love today!

Wishing you all B I G, BIG LOVE every moment, every day!



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